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Hello all,
Been looking to start my own business for a while now and happened to be told about this forum and I thought it would be a good idea to ask the expats of these local communities of what they think is missing in Spain. Your thoughts and ideas are all welcome no matter how trivial. Really appreciate your help with this survey. Kind regards. babyfour


Welcome to our site babyfour! I do wish you all the luck and hope there are forum members out there who may be able to offer some suggestions for you. Kind regards.

Commented Rio in Almoradi 2011-05-31 12:55:06 UTC

Hi Babyfour,
Not too many responses it appears! We all know it is very hard to come up with an idea for a business. The advice I can give you is certainly do your research, which I am sure you have done, check out with an accountant what are the costs attached to starting a business as well as taking into account whether you will go down the route of being self employed or having a company name.etc,etc. There are numerous accountants/asesors who will provide all of this info. If you require any names please email me direct and I will send them to you. All the best.

Commented chrishenrick in Almoradi 2011-06-01 21:21:49 UTC

Well what was missing in Spain was community spirit, but now A Spanish Life has us all talking to each other, what a result!!

Its great to know whats going on before the Event, so we can actually go, instead of reading about it later in the local rag.

Commented Friends 4u Abroad in Los Balcones 2011-06-02 10:49:38 UTC

Have you seen the advert on these sites that require a Moderator, I am not sure what it entails but if interested, you can contact Steve direct via the contact section above. Also do check all the local free papers and the Costa Blanca News where you may find various jobs and businesses for sale and rent, Just a thought. Hope this helps. Regards

Commented john in Quesada 2011-06-03 11:16:54 UTC

Thank you all for your advice and suggestions, it has been really helpful and I will take all your points on board. Look forward to future discussions with you all. Finally I want to say what a brilliant forum this is. Thanks

Commented babyfour in Torrevieja 2011-06-03 19:51:32 UTC